Train With Us
The Greater Flint Health Coalition is committed to providing professional development opportunities for the community. The skills learned via these available training opportunities help us work towards our vision of a healthy Genesee County as participants take the skills with them as they move throughout the community.
Free Healthcare Training
Get the training you need to fill employer-selected Top 10 High Demand Healthcare Careers in Genesee County. These include: Certified Nurse Assistants, Medical Assistants, Pharmacy Technicians, Health Unit Coordinators, Phlebotomy, and others in high market demand.

Program components are designed by FHEO Program employers to give participants the background, skills, and experience needed to succeed in a healthcare career.
- Qualifying Activities-Career and Academic Assessments; 2 ½ week Healthcare Career Exploration and Work/Life Skills Training
Participants receive
- Free Tuition: Credential training and required classroom materials are covered
- Career Advisement: Support staff to help you succeed in your healthcare training and career
- Supportive Services: Assistance with transportation and other services as requested
- Empowerment Session: Guest speakers and FHEO Program staff present information on employability skills and other community resources
- Job Development Assistance: Interview preparation, resume revision, application assistance, and employer connections
Training funds are awarded throughout the year and are based on local employer hiring needs, applicant qualifications, training availability and the following criteria:
- Resident of Genesee, Shiawasse, Thumb GST MI Works! service area and eligible for WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker or Youth services
- Demonstration of need or experiencing circumstances that make it difficult to focus on a career transition
- A compatibility for a career in healthcare — clear criminal background, aptitude and capabilities
- Minimum age: 18 years old
- High school diploma/GED
- Veterans strongly encouraged to apply
- Contact the FHEO Program at 810-232-2228 with your questions and to sign up for the next information session.
- Get a step ahead. Fill out your program application now!
For questions, contact the FHEO Program at 810-232-2228 or [email protected].
Are you an employer interested in hosting a youth for a summer work experience? Please fill out our inquiry form. The completed form can be returned to [email protected].
Commit to Fit staff are able to provide Lunch & Learns on various health and wellness topics. Each session can be tailored to better fit your organization’s needs. Sessions can run 15-45 minutes, depending on your organization’s desired length. Lunch & Learns can be in-person or virtual.

Healthy Snack and Event Planning
Proper nutrition fuels student success but often school-day snacks or special event treats (e.g. for birthday or holiday parties) tend to be comprised of unhealthy, sugar-packed foods. This session will present quick tips and easily accessible resources to assist educators in finding healthy snacks and treats that students will enjoy.
Students and Healthy Eating
Students often resist healthy snacks and not all cafeterias provide and/or encourage healthy choices. Further, students learn not just math or science from educators but also eating and drinking habits. This session will present resources and strategies for helping students navigate the school food environment while also helping educational staff model healthy behaviors.
Staying Active During the School Day
Schools often have little time for adequate recess and teacher shortages can significantly reduce students’ time in gym class. This session will present resources and strategies for helping both students and educators remain active throughout the school day regardless of the weather, the space available or time constraints.
Healthy Meal Planning
There never seems to be enough time in the week to make a healthy meal, and we often times find ourselves running to the closest fast food joint to pick up lunch. Learn easy, accessible ways to plan and prepare meals for the week, and avoid wasting money on food that is bad for your health and waistline!
Meal Planning on a Budget
Think healthy eating is not affordable? Think again! In this session you will learn tricks and tips to stretch your dollar further while learning about how to prepare healthy meals affordably!
Six Dimensions of Wellness
Did you know that there are six dimensions of wellness? And when one is out of whack, we feel unhealthy, unhappy, or just plan out of whack ourselves! Learn about each of the dimensions, as well as ways to achieve your own wellness.
Nutrition 101
Everyday we hear new health trends, but how do we know what is actually true? Learn the basics of nutrition so that you can learn to tell fact from fiction.
Steps for a Healthy Holiday
Food is a major part of the festivities during the holiday season. The temptations of sweets and high calorie foods are sometimes too much for someone who is trying to eat healthy to resist. Learn tips for a healthy holiday season.
Commit to Fit offers lunch and learns that can be tailored to the unique needs and interests of your organization. Review the flyer for available topics. Contact [email protected] or call 810-232-2228 to inquire.
Community Health Worker Training

The curriculum is designed to train front-line workers to provide culturally responsive services in Michigan communities. The 126 training hours include 25 hours for independent self-study. Independent self-study ensures that the participants are given sufficient time to work on homework, quizzes, projects, and other assignments. To complement the 126 training hours, 40 internship hours (if the participant is not already employed in a CHW role) are required, consisting of field experiences in local agencies where the focus is for the student to apply and integrate theory into practice. CHWs who are currently employed will complete the internship at their place of work.
- CHW Role in Public Health & Health Systems
- Legal & Ethical Responsibilities
- Navigating Community Resources
- Communication Styles & Cultural Responsiveness
- Teaching & Capacity-Building
- Coordination, Documentation, & Reporting
- Healthy Lifestyles
- Behavioral Health, Substance Use & Disorders
The Greater Flint Health Coalition provides Michigan Community Health Worker Alliance (MiCHWA) certification training to anyone interested in becoming a Community Health Worker. Those interested in participating in a future training can email [email protected] to stay up-to-date on training information.

Narcan Training
Know More: Opioid Overdose Prevention Project is a program of the Mental Health and Substance Use Initiatives of the Greater Flint Health Coalition. The Know More project offers opioid overdose prevention education and Naloxone (Narcan) administration training to individuals (one-on-one), small groups (workplace or organizations), and large groups (conferences/large trainings).
The training includes information on:
- Overview of Substance Use Disorder, Opioids, Stigma, and Harm Reduction
- How to identify signs and symptoms of potential overdose
- How to administer Naloxone (Narcan)
- How to access Naloxone (Narcan)
- The Genesee County Quick Response Team (QRT)
At the end of the training, all participants receive Naloxone (Narcan) kits, which include signs of overdose, how to respond, and instructions for administration. If you are interested in learning more and/or scheduling a training, please email [email protected]