Quality and Innovation Task Force
Quality & Innovation Task Force will do the following:
Collaboratively develop and implement evidence-based quality improvement initiatives across health systems, payers, public health, providers, and the community at large to (a) improve the health of the population; (b) enhance the patient experience of care; (c) address chronic disease burden; and (d) reduce, or at least control, the per capita cost of care.
Create, address, and respond to opportunities for innovative, collaborative quality improvement efforts, especially those focused on Genesee County’s major mortality, morbidity, and care experience challenges with an emphasis on the most prevalent chronic disease areas in the region.
Explore opportunities for coordinated, sustainable health information exchange and referral systems shared between regional health systems, providers, insurers, government, public health, and community-based organizations to support whole-person care that is timely, secure, and equitable.
Its diverse membership includes representatives from each of the Genesee County hospitals (Ascension Genesys Hospital, Hurley Medical Center, McLaren Flint), physician organizations (Genesys PHO, McLaren PHO), and Professional Medical Corporation), provider organizations (Genesee County Medical Society and Genesee County Osteopathic Society), safety-net providers (Genesee Health System and Hamilton Community Health Network), insurers (Health Alliance Plan, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan/Blue Care Network, and McLaren Health Plan), and government (Genesee County Health Department).
Quality & Innovation Task Force will do the following:
Collaboratively develop and implement evidence-based quality improvement initiatives across health systems, payers, public health, providers, and the community at large to (a) improve the health of the population; (b) enhance the patient experience of care; (c) address chronic disease burden; and (d) reduce, or at least control, the per capita cost of care.
Create, address, and respond to opportunities for innovative, collaborative quality improvement efforts, especially those focused on Genesee County’s major mortality, morbidity, and care experience challenges with an emphasis on the most prevalent chronic disease areas in the region.
Explore opportunities for coordinated, sustainable health information exchange and referral systems shared between regional health systems, providers, insurers, government, public health, and community-based organizations to support whole-person care that is timely, secure, and equitable.
Its diverse membership includes representatives from each of the Genesee County hospitals (Ascension Genesys Hospital, Hurley Medical Center, McLaren Flint), physician organizations (Genesys PHO, McLaren PHO), and Professional Medical Corporation), provider organizations (Genesee County Medical Society and Genesee County Osteopathic Society), safety-net providers (Genesee Health System and Hamilton Community Health Network), insurers (Health Alliance Plan, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan/Blue Care Network, and McLaren Health Plan), and government (Genesee County Health Department).