Mental Health and Substance Use Task Force

The Mental Health & Substance Use Task Force integrates mental health and substance use disorder medicine into the vision and activities of the Coalition: quality, access, prevention, and cost. The Task Force’s goals include ensuring that every committee/task/force/group of the Coalition incorporates into their outcome option attention to mental health and substance use issues for that activity, with specific focus on education and prevention, access to treatment, harm reduction distribution, building individual and community-based recovery capital, and whole person care. The Mental Health & Substance Use Task Force leverages a multi-sector collective impact approach to increase awareness of best practices and innovative approaches, address barriers and challenges, identify emerging trends, and develop strategies to reduce the vulnerability and impact of mental health and substance use issues among Genesee County residents. The Task Force serves as the advisory body to GFHC’s Mental Health & Substance Use Initiatives program, which seeks to respond to the ongoing and emerging mental health and substance use related needs of the community adeptly and collaboratively.

The Mental Health & Substance Use Task Force integrates mental health and substance use disorder medicine into the vision and activities of the Coalition: quality, access, prevention, and cost. The Task Force’s goals include ensuring that every committee/task/force/group of the Coalition incorporates into their outcome option attention to mental health and substance use issues for that activity, with specific focus on education and prevention, access to treatment, harm reduction distribution, building individual and community-based recovery capital, and whole person care. The Mental Health & Substance Use Task Force leverages a multi-sector collective impact approach to increase awareness of best practices and innovative approaches, address barriers and challenges, identify emerging trends, and develop strategies to reduce the vulnerability and impact of mental health and substance use issues among Genesee County residents. The Task Force serves as the advisory body to GFHC’s Mental Health & Substance Use Initiatives program, which seeks to respond to the ongoing and emerging mental health and substance use related needs of the community adeptly and collaboratively.

Previous and/or ongoing efforts include
  • Genesee County Quick Response Team (QRT)
  • Reach, Inspire, Serve, Empower (R.I.S.E.)
  • Community Narcan Distribution Project
  • Prescription Drug Overdose prevention project
  • Genesee Faith Alliance
  • Integrating Peers to Improve Access to Treatment in Hospital Settings
  • Community Wide Strategy to Address the Opioid Epidemic
  • X-waiver Training to Improve MOUD prescribing practices
  • Genesee County Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
  • Join Together/DEMAND TREATMENT!
  • Depression in Primary Care Program